Donald Trump’s Confusion is Only Getting Worse
When is enough, enough?
Each week I can’t think it’s going to get worse, but we find a new low for American politics.
I like to think the founding fathers didn’t have a bloviating wanna-be billionaire despot in mind when they fashioned The Great Experiment.
Other countries must look at the election and wonder what’s going on.
Even if you leave Poli cal platforms out of it, on one had you have a brilliant, tough former prosecutor and current Vice President who has turned into a political dynamo, and on the other hand you have a sad old man ranting about bacon, and getting people’s names wrong and frequently doesn’t seem to know where he is.
Also, the one guy tried and failed to implement a coup when he lost the election.
And yet the race is seemingly very close.
Though things seem to be crumbling for Donald Trump.
Although people have been writing that sentence since 2016.
But things are a bit different.
Trump has always been a jerk.
He has always been a racist and a predator.