
Michigan Town Center of Hope for Covid-19 Vaccine

Matthew Donnellon
5 min readDec 15, 2020
Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

It’s all too easy to find despair during a global pandemic.

Death is an ever present part of society.

People you know are getting sick.

People are losing loved ones.

It gets even harder when you have to watch people not take the virus seriously. It’s even worse when you hear people casting doubt on whether it exists at all, even as the death toll rises.

It’s far too easy to find despair when help doesn’t seem to be coming. It’s even harder when you might not have a job, or a place to live, and are running out of options.

Your kids are learning on tablets in laptops. You visit your parents through their door. Your hands are raw from being washed for the 300th time that day.

You just want to get through the day without that dreaded phone call that someone has the virus.

It’s far, far too easy to let the dark thoughts linger, to let the black seas rise, to let the voices creep in, to let ever tumultuous times keep you down.

It gets easier and easier each day to want to give up, to throw in the towel.

It is in these times that one must find their lighthouse in the storm.



Matthew Donnellon

Matthew Donnellon is a writer, artist, and sit down comedian. He is the author of The Curious Case of Emma Lee and Other Stories.