
No One Is Reading Your Writing, And That’s Okay

Practice without people looking over your shoulder

Matthew Donnellon
3 min readApr 18, 2024


Have you ever written something and it just tanks?

I have.

It happened just the other day. I wrote something and I don’t think a single person read it.

Now, you can start making excuses to start feeling better. You can say it was just weird timing. It’s just an off day. It just got lost in the shuffle. There are a million reasons that a piece didn’t do well.

But, the real reason is that in all likelihood it just wasn’t very good.

And the sooner you come to terms with it the sooner you can get over it.

And you know the best way to get over it?

Just keep writing.

I didn’t notice that no one read it at first, because there were three more things coming down the pipeline.

And, when a story or an article bombs at least no one really notices unless you announce it to everyone like I’m doing now.

It could be a lot worse.

For a second, I wanted to be a standup comedian. However, I didn’t because I was terrified of bombing on stage. I’ve seen videos of it happening. It…



Matthew Donnellon

Matthew Donnellon is a writer, artist, and sit down comedian. He is the author of The Curious Case of Emma Lee and Other Stories.