Something Good Happened Yesterday

Matthew Donnellon
4 min readNov 8, 2020

After a long week

Photo by __ drz __ on Unsplash

In case you haven’t heard, something good happened yesterday.

Though I’m sure the celebratory car horns and general jubilee may have tipped you off.

It is a rare thing to witness a special moment and so when it comes around it is important to take a second and appreciate it for what it is.

On Saturday evening November 7th 2020 Joe Biden assumed the mantle of President-Elect and accepted the job bestowed upon him by the American people.

Earlier that day after nearly a week of counting, the AP and other news organizations called the Pennsylvania election giving then Vice President Biden 20 more electoral votes and sending him past the 270 threshold needed to be the next president.

With that announcement, there was a palpable sense of joy and a collective sigh of relief.

Cities erupted into mass celebrations.

Not just here.

Church bells rang in Paris.

They celebrated in Ireland.

Congratulations came from leaders around the world.

And in this, America would not be outdone as cities around the country shared in a collective moment of jocularity.



Matthew Donnellon

Matthew Donnellon is a writer, artist, and sit down comedian. He is the author of The Curious Case of Emma Lee and Other Stories.